Basic Woodworking Tools Vol 2

Volume 2 of basic woodworking tools every wood shop should have.



I use this tool frequently, often times cutting angles for projects like picture frames and trim, or cutting lumber down to size.


Comes in very handy for home maintenance and DIY projects. If you plan to only trim branches and do light lawn care, you might be able to get away with an electric chainsaw, which is nice because these chainsaws require very little maintenance.  If you want to cut down logs wider than 5 inches in diameter, you will want at least 50cc engine with at least a 16-inch bar. My personally enjoy the Stihl, Husqvarna and Jonsered brands of chainsaws.


My most commonly used tool for smoothing my woodworking projects


It’s very difficult to work on projects that won’t stay in one place when you work on them.  Picture frames, drink trays, and cutting boards all require a vice or clamp set-up of some sort to complete.  No matter the project, there is a good chance a clamp will make the job easier.


Safety gear might seem tedious and lame when you first start cranking out wood projects.  Safety gear usually gets in the way, requires extra time and doesn’t always look cool. However, like push sticks, you’d be a fool not to use these 3 pieces of safety equipment.  You will lose your hearing, get wood chips in your eye and dust in your lungs if you don’t use this equipment. This is your ears, eyes, and throat we are talking about. Take it seriously.


    Very Important! If you are going to take the time to set up a table saw, you’d be a fool not to use push sticks. Even the most seasoned professionals use push sticks because no one wants to lose a finger.  You can see my “push stick” laying on the table saw pictured here. 

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